
Sunday, June 4, 2023

What is Space?

Space holds many secrets. It contains places  where human beings can be stretched into spaghetti shapes, or boiled, or frozen solid: that's  why astronauts wear protective clothing in the  space. 

Welcome to a mysterious — and endlessly fascinating — world. 

What is space?
                               When people think of space,  they think of:
                      Weightlessness — everything  floats as if there's no gravity.
                       Nothingness — vast areas of  space are completely empty.
                        Stars —  every star is a burning ball of gas. Our Sun is a star.
                         ♠  Astronautspeople who  explore the world beyond our Earth.
                          Rockets and Satellites — These  are what scientists use to explore space.
                           Silence — there is no air in  space, so there is absolutely no sound.


Is that space?
                              On a cloudless night, you can see  thousands of stars. Space is the name we give to  the huge empty areas in between the  atmospheres of stars and planets. Apart from the odd rock, space is sprinkled only with dust and  gas.

Why is space so dark?
                                            Space is black because  there is nothing there to reflect light. From space,  Earth looks lit up because light from our Sun  reflects off sea, and land, and the particles in our  atmosphere.

How the distance is measure in space?
                                                                         The  distance measure in space in light years. One light year is the distance light travels in one year: that's  10 million million km ( 6 million million miles ). 

Is anyone there?
                                  • If there are aliens, it is unlikely they will speak the languages of Earth, so  communication may be a problem. Coded signals  have been sent into space. People are also  listening for signals from space.
                                   SETI ( The search for Extra Terrestrial Intelligence ) uses powerful radio  telescopes to scan for alien signals. However, so  far nothing has been found. 
                                   Message into space:
                                                                         In 1974,
 astronomers at Arecibo, Puerto Rico, sent a radio  message from us to the stars. It was sent towards 
a cluster of stars called M13, where it will arrive  in 25,000 years. We may then get a reply after  another 25,000 years.( Is anyone there to read it ! )
 The Arecibo message lasts  three minutes. It is consists of 1,679 pulses,  which when arranged from a pictogram. The  pictogram explains the basis of life.

 Is a black hole may be a doorway to another  universe?
                 Some people think a black hole may be a doorway to another universe. But it's all just  speculation. Nobody really knows. However, it is  doubtful someone could survive the journey  through the hole to find out. An astronaut unfortunate enough to try would be stretched out  like a piece of spaghetti... 
 Two Possibilities Exist: Either We Are  Alone In The Universe Or We Are Not. Both Are Equally Terrifying. ”
                                — Arthur C. Clark.  

Saturday, June 3, 2023

History of France 🇫🇷 ( From Brest To Strasbourg )

The history of France dates back thousands of  years ago when the earliest human being arrived in the area. In ancient times, France was part of the Celtic territory known as Gaul or Gallia. Later,  Gaul was subject to barbarian raids by the  Germanic Franks. 

                 The Frankish King Clovis I.

 In the late 5th century, the  Frankish king Clovis I united most of Gaul under  his rule , setting the stage for Frankish dominance  in the region for hundreds of years. France  became separate country in the 9th century. 

              French Before The Revolution.

The French society was divided into three separate castes known as estates. The first  estate was made up of priests, and reglious  leaders. The second estate was made up of the  nobility, while third and lowest estate consisted of  everyone else, over 97% of the population of  France.  

In time, most of the western part of France was yielded to the British crown. After the death of the  last Capetian King Charles IV, Edward III of  England claimed the French Throne and started  the Hundred Years' War in 1337.

   Right - King Charles IV of France ; Left - Edward                       III  of England.

 With the help of  a France peasant girl, Joan of Arc, Charles VIII  emerged victorious in the war and drove the  English back to Calais. 
    Right - Joan of Arc ; Left - Charles III of France.

France became a centralized state where an absolute monarchy was established. The long  Italian Wars ( 1494—1559 )marked the beginning  of early modern France.

France has six overseas departments: French  Guiana in South America; Guadeloupe and  Martinique in the West Indies; Mayotte, an island  formerly part of the Comoros, located in the  Indian Ocean; Reunion, an island in the Indian  Ocean; and Saint Pierre and Miquelon, islands off  the east coast of Canada. In addition, it has  numerous small possessions called overseas  territories and many small islands in the southern  oceans.

Since the 17th century, France has played a major  role in European and world events. In the 20th  century, it has experienced numerous crises, and  the loss of a large empire in Indochina, Algeria,  and West and Equatorial Africa. It has, however,  survived and emerged as an important world  supplier of agricultural and industrial products.  France has been a leading member in the United  Nations, the European Union and NATO, and  remains a strong economic, cultural, and political 
influence in 21st century...  

        { You Write To Me That it's Impossible, 
                 The Word is not French. }
                                  — Napoleon Bonaparte.  

Augustus Caesar: The Architect of Roman Empire.

Roman Empire's Master Builder: Augustus Caesar                Among the most important individuals in ancient Roman history is Gaius Oct...